Monday, January 7, 2019

Conscious Choices 2019

This year, I've chosen "conscious choices" as my word to guide me in 2019.  (I've written about this tradition and you can read it here, here, and here.) Last year,  my word for the year was "connecting." In retrospect, it should have been patience or something related to patience. I don't think I was as successful in connecting with anything (maybe I connected more with my children and husband, but who knows). I know 2018 really was a year of working through obstacles and learning patience, knowing to wait things out, and having faith that things will happen when it's meant to happen.

This year, I'm ready to keep moving forward and onward. I've spent the last year letting go of toxic situations and people. I've also spent a year working on myself and reevaluating my priorities. I was an emotional mess at times and I wondered a lot about the stability of my decisions (e.g. is my decision really selfish, is this really the best decision, will everything work out). I questioned my belief in myself and whether I was on the right path. I questioned myself as a mother and worried a lot about my children. By the end of the year, I realized that I was doing my best, and I needed to trust myself more.

So, this year, I want to make changes and I want change to happen, but not just any changes. I want change that comes from conscious choices. Yes, change will happen to me, regardless if I want it or not, but I am not just going to sit back and let change happen to me only. This year, I am going to be a willing participant and consciously be a part of the change that will happen to me.

My dear, I hope you are doing well. I hope you've had an awesome week so far in 2019. I also wish you well and if you have a guiding word for 2019, please feel free to share with me. Lots of love to you.


Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe you are not brave enough, not adventures, and not becoming aware of oneself. This coming year you'll be focusing on "conscious".

I've read many of your blogs over the years, seems you shouldn't have a problems with any of those words. It appears you are a very strong woman who knows what she wants as far as I can see. I know life can be difficult at times but we all grow into a better version of our self. When we face trails and tribulations.

My Favorite Things said...

Thank you for your kind words, Anonymous. Sometimes I focus on the small things or with things that are only in my mind that I forget to see the bigger picture. The word I chose helps me get clarity and to remember what really should matter during that particular year.

Hope you are well. Do you pick a word to guide you through the year?

Anonymous said...

No, I do not pick a word. However I've been watching YouTube videos on spiritual stuff.. trying to understand spiritual enlightenment.

I recently started to read a book call, "No time like the present" by Jack Kornfield.