Thursday, January 9, 2014

Brave 2014

Throughout the years, to make my life better, I've gone from making New Year's resolutions to just  identifying what aspects of my life I need to work on through the year.  Both methods haven't been easy to keep track of because by the middle of the year, it's exhausting to remember what it was that I said I would do.  So this year, I'm following the suggestion of another blogger and am choosing a word to compare my actions and words to so that I know I'm on track to making my life better.  This word just came to me before January 1st (I didn't journal about it).  This year, I will be brave.

This year, I will measure my words and actions, and ask myself, "Am I being brave?"  Am I speaking my truth?  Am I choosing a course of action because I'm afraid, cowardly, or want to avoid something?  Am I being brave?  Of course, it will all be subjective, but it is my intent that as I proceed forward with each passing day, I will hold myself to a high standard with the goal of improving my life.

I also find that this method best accommodates life.  I agree to a certain extent with some people that January 1st marks a new beginning, a new start, and a new person.  Yet, that kind of thinking is very limiting.  January 1st is a great way to mark the ending of something and the beginning of something.  But, life happens and it doesn't always happen on January 1st.  The ending of something, a new beginning, a new start, a new person - these are things that can happen at any time that can make one throw away/forget her resolutions.  So, I find this new method accommodating and I'll see how it pans out in 2014.

This year, I will be brave.  If you could choose one word for yourself for this year, to measure your words and actions by, what would it be?

If you're interested in reading more about choosing a word for a new year, check out this website or this website.

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