Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Tuesday's Tune: Back to December


I was thinking that since this is the first Tuesday in December, I'll share a song that also references December. So, the song I wanted to share is "Back to December" by Taylor Swift. Yes, it's another Taylor Swift song. (On a side note, I was thinking about sharing songs from Taylor Swift for the rest of this month on Tuesday; however, I'll see if I can even follow through on that wish.)

This song is obviously Taylor Swift's very public way of telling Taylor Lautner that she was sorry for breaking his heart (granted, they only dated for three months). This song was released about twelve years ago (OMG, I can't believe it's been twelve years ago). Anyhow, I share this song because when this song came out, it was also in December that I told my Mr. Man that we couldn't be together anymore. Like the lyrics in "Back to December," he gave me all of his love and I told him goodbye. And when he was gone, I missed him dearly and wished that I'd go back to December and change my mind. 

Of course, I went on to meet others (this song in particular reminds me of someone special), but my Mr. Man and I eventually came back together and found each other. When I listen to "Back to December," I think of my Mr. Man. The song doesn't make me sad. I only see it as a time in my life when I really needed to discover who I was and find the confidence to move on with my life.

What do you think of this song?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agreed with you sometimes we all need space apart to find ourselves and to be a better person for others. That way we can love with all our hearts.