Sunday, May 5, 2019

Lessons Learned

Last month I took my little family back to California so that my siblings and I could throw a party for my father (he turned 65 years old). There were hiccups as we counted down the days to my father's party, but we as a whole survived the event.

The party didn't go according to plan, but it turned out fine. One thing that became so obvious during the party was that so many of the Hmong people we invited, who are of the same clan but not immediate family members, didn't show up. My father was quite devastated that they didn't come. Yet, what was very interesting was the fact that a lot of my parents non-Hmong friends did show up. These people were friends that my parents had made in the last several years who cared enough to come to a birthday party held on a Saturday night, specifically for my father. It was quite moving, to be honest. I think it really opened up my parents' eyes that those that cared for them don't have to be Hmong.

We have to plan another birthday party for my mom in a couple of years, but we've learned so much from my dad's party. Hopefully, we will survive that one too. Hopefully, my parents will be open to inviting all of their friends again, regardless if they are Hmong or not. 

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