Friday, March 29, 2019

Friday's Quote: Tupac Shakur

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Life has been chaotic this past week. And I really do mean, CHAOTIC! It's not my own personal life that's chaotic, but members of my immediate family. Our family drama has emotionally drained me in ways I had not imagined (and the week isn't even over). After the shock, the overwhelming feeling of helplessness, and trying to figure out a plan, I'm emotionally spent.

Despite all the bad things happening to my family members, it does highlight some positive things that have come out of this chaotic week. First, I'm so glad to have my Mr. Man and to be able to lean on his shoulders. Second, I'm also proud of my siblings for being able to get along in our time of need. Lastly, I know we can make it through the dark nights ahead and believe that there is a brighter day awaiting us. As much as I don't want my family members to go through some of the things that had occurred this week, I also know that many of my siblings had to experience the chaos in order for them to realize that they need to get their respective life together (I hope). I think there's still hope for all of us, individually and as a family.

How are you doing? I hope your week has been a lot better than mine. :(

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