Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Tuesday's Tune: Enchanted

Okay, I've posted more of Taylor Swift's songs on Tuesday's Tune than I'd like to admit, but this is such a sweet song. I don't even know how it came into my YouTube feed, but it did. And I listened to it. It's not one of her best musically, but I do like the lyrics, which is why I'm sharing it today on Tuesday's Tune.

I remember being enchanted once by this great person. Did we become friends? Yes. Did we ever date? He wished. Are we still friends? No. But I couldn't help but think of him when I heard this song. I don't think about him too often, but when I do, I like think of how enchanting he was, how it was great that I got to know him, and how enchanting our time was together.

Does this song remind you of anyone.


Anonymous said...

When this body recantation into a new life after this physical form has ended. I know the souls that are attractive to each other will remember and search for one another again. Perhaps those souls will learn from their past and live it instead of just an enchanted meeting?

My Favorite Things said...

Hi Anonymous! How are you? Thank you for your wonderful comment. It warms my heart to read that you have a similar opinion as me.

Once, a Christian friend told me that because he and I are of different faiths, we would never see one another again after this life (since he will go to his Christian heaven and I'll go to wherever I'm meant to go). Of course, I told him that souls that love one another, regardless of religion (color, belief, etc) will always find one another again. Any perceived divisions are all human made and only are created to separate. So, I'm glad to read that you and I are of the same opinion. Yes, when I do go Home again, I'll be sure to look for all the souls that love me and that I have loved.

As for the person who enchanted me, we were very good friends in college. At some point our friendship had to come to an end because it got toxic. It's been such a long time since I've seen him and he's a different person. I only wish him the best. At the same time, I don't miss him. I have too much going on in my life and if I miss anyone, it's not him. Wouldn't you rather spend your time missing someone else?