Saturday, February 16, 2019

New Family Traditions

I had meant to write this earlier in the year, or at least at the end of December. With too much to do and not enough time, the writing about my new family tradition slipped my mind. Now that I've remembered, I wanted to write about how my family and I are trying to watch a movie together every Christmas.

It started in Christmas of 2017. I visited my siblings in Texas. While there, my brother and his girlfriend wanted us to watch "Pillow Talk," which we did. It's an older romantic movie starring Cary Grant and I was surprised about how much we all loved that movie.

This past Christmas, while in California with my family, I suggested that we keep it going and use it to start a new tradition. It would be an activity we all can do together (other than eat) and it wouldn't exactly limit people from leaving/joining once the movie started. We agreed that we would watch an older and more vintage movie (although, some of my siblings and I disagree as to whether 1980s and 1990s movies should be classified as vintage). So, we watched the "Shining."

I now can't wait until we get together again and pick another movie to watch. I'm really excited for this year's gathering and maybe we'll even make popcorn. 

Have you started any new traditions with your family, and if yes, what are the traditions?

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