Thursday, January 31, 2019

Potty Training: An Update

I wrote here about the beginning of potty training my oldest. Tomorrow, it will be a week. I just wanted to share an update: My oldest is finally getting the hang of potty training. Now, this doesn't mean that he's able to tell me right away that he needs to use the potty. Once in a while, he fights me about needing to use the potty, but once he's on it, he'll tell me that he's going to pee (and he does). Today was the first day he finally did more than pee in the potty, but I had to catch him and drag him to the toilet (there was some staining, but not a lot).

I think he hasn't fully figured out the sensations of needing to pee and poop. Yet, he understands that he has to pee and poop in the potty. He also doesn't want to be in a diaper/pull up anymore during the daytime, but it's okay to wear during the nighttime. At this time, he prefers wearing an underwear than a diaper.

I also admit that I almost gave up. Earlier this Monday morning, the potty training didn't go smoothly at all. I thought he may not have been ready and I was really ready to throw in the towel. So, we all took a nap and in the afternoon, I thought I'd give it one more try before giving up. Hooray for us, he used the potty. Of course, there have been accidents since then, but the progress has been great. I also had to check myself and my expectations, reminding myself that this is a whole new experience for my son. I can't penalize him and it really is my fault for having such high expectations.

So, onward we go. No going back at this time.

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