Friday, January 25, 2019

Friday's Quote: Jules Renard

Image Source: BrainyQuote

Today has been an overwhelming day and it's not even half over. I am feeling old because I am old in the following ways: I'm not willing to learn new ways, my back hurts, I'm tired, etc. Regardless, I'm telling myself, I can't give up. I just can't.

So what's causing all of this consternation? TOILET TRAINING!!! Ack!

My oldest will be three in a couple of months (yes, three years old and where has all of that time gone??!!!). I was hoping to wait until the spring to begin toilet training. He hasn't really shown signs that he want to potty train and he doesn't communicate with me that he needs to pee or poop.  He has done some interesting things here and there, but no signs that he's ready to be potty trained. Well, then yesterday happened.

Yesterday, while I was in the kitchen and on the phone with my sister, he walked into the kitchen and attempted to throw away his poopy diaper into the kitchen trash (our trash can has a pedal where you must step on it in order to open the trash's lid). He was attempting to step on the pedal and I noticed his poopy diaper in his poopy hands. Somehow, he was able to take it off (while staining my rug) and knew that he had to throw it away. I took this as a sign that it was time for him to be potty trained. 

All this morning, I've been putting him on the toilet at 30 minute increments. It has not been successful. I think he's holding in his urine. He's gone through 4-5 pairs of pants already. Apparently, he doesn't care that he's peed on himself. I'm ready to quit. But I won't. I'm going to try and see if I can survive this weekend while potty training him. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking that I need to better reward him for just sitting on the potty. (e.g. give him a gummy bear each time).  I'm worried that I'm going to rot his teeth out, but they are his baby teeth and there's a greater good at stake here; namely, he needs to be potty trained.

My boy is old enough to know about the potty and what to do when on a potty. I don't know why he's so hesitant. I will survive. Wish me luck. 

If you have children, how did you survive potty training your children?

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