Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Tuesday's Tune: Baby Baby

This song, "Baby Baby" by Amy Grant came out when I was in high school.  It was such a big hit back then.  Similar to this song, "Baby Baby" is not just a song about romantic love.  Apparently, this song was written right around the time Amy Grant gave birth to her daughter, and the song's reference of "baby" really refers to her baby daughter.

Is it any surprise that I have baby on the brain?  Other than going through all the motions of a new mom, I'm learning patience.  I'm also learning to be grateful that I have the sweetest newborn in the world.  He's a newborn and will cry when he needs to eat, be changed, or be comforted (like all other newborns).  Yet, he's so calm.  I'm realizing how lucky I am to have him just as he is and to love him with the "sweetest of devotion."

Let me know what you think of the song from the past.

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