Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bleary-Eyed and Sleep Deprived

With the arrival of my Little One, I've been lacking in sleep.   My brain isn't always the clearest, especially with the lack of sleep.  Tired, is an understatement.  I'm exhausted!  

I'm also frustrated because I've been trying to learn more about my Little One and what he's communicating to me.  Despite my frustrations, he is the love of my life.  It's funny that I've put off having a child for so long, but when it finally came time to have him, I really wanted him in my life. So, during the 2 a.m. feedings and the lack of sleep (when his cuteness is no longer a factor), I remember how much I wanted him in my life, how much I love him, and how I must stretch my heart out even bigger than before.  All just for him.

I hope you are getting your sleep.  Wish me well on my journey with little sleep.  Hopefully, I'll be able to get my Little One on a sleep schedule soon.

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