Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday's Tune: A New Day Has Come

This song came out years ago, sung by Celine Dion.  When you watch the video, it's a visually interesting portrayal of the song's lyrics (that a new day has come) and it does so through romantic relationships, of adults breaking up and coming together and of new beginnings.  Don't be deceived by the video.

Apparently, this song is really about Celine Dion's experience in having her first child, a boy.  If you listen/read the lyrics, the song alludes to her troubles conceiving her child, having faith that he will come, and believing a new day has come for her when she finally looks into his eyes.  For those who are parents and parents-to-be, looking into your child's eyes for the first time must be one of the greatest moments in parenthood.

Well, let me know what you think of this song?  Or, was it amazing to look into child's eyes the first time around?

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