Saturday, November 28, 2015

Lazy Saturday Morning

Gatherings with family and friends, and several trips to the store for Black Friday deals have left me tired and exhausted.  As much as I love the company of others and being able to get some decent deals on various goods, I'm ready for quiet time.

So, this morning, I slept in and lounged.  I usually don't sleep in, but I love to lounge, especially when I have a warm body next to me.  The bright sunlight shining through the curtain woke me up and was quite beautiful (even the deep blue sky could be seen through the gauzy curtain).  I know I have a lot to do today, but I love being in bed and just reading, watching movies on my tablet, or daydreaming.  It looks to be a beautiful day and I hope I accomplish much, but even if I don't I'm not going to feel bad about taking time for myself.

How is your Thanksgiving holiday so far?  

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