Sunday, November 22, 2015

Where's Winter?

We've had rain, frost, some flurries that melted quickly, and temperatures in the 20's F (dipping into the high teens), but no real snow.  At least not in my neck of the woods.  I heard that southern and eastern Minnesota may have gotten hit hard with snow, but it's been all quiet on the weather front.  This has been one of the longest mildest fall that we've had for some time.  Usually by now, if we're not already covered with snow, at least it would be freezing cold.  It's also expected to get into the 40's F this coming week, so I guess it's good football playing weather and travelling weather for Thanksgiving.

I'm a bit afraid that this weather is spoiling a lot of Minnesotans, me included.  I'm also very afraid that when the big storm hits, it will hit hard and won't stop until early spring.  I'm really hoping Spring 2016 will come early.  I'd like the roads to be clear and not slippery.  With my upcoming travel plans for Spring 2016, I really do wish for an early spring.  Lets see what will transpire.

How are you doing and how's the winter so far, in your hood?

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