Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Tuesday's Tune: Watch Me

If you know my family, we are a bunch of dancers and we all love to just move to music.  Some are more inhibited than others, but some are not.  So, most recently, some family members decided to"dedicate" this song, "Watch Me" by Silento, to my Mr. Man and me.  If you want to hear the song, you can go here.  If you want to see the dance moves, you can go here.

I've decided to share a little bit of a video of the their dedication dance to us to the song.  It wasn't coordinated or preplanned, it just happened and they were all just doing the dance moves.  It's such a hilarious video of my siblings and nephews doing the Whip/NaeNae.  I wish the video was a bit long, but I still get such a kick out of watching it.  It makes me smile and I hope that it brings a smile to your face too.

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