Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday's Quote: B.J. Gallagher

"When a friendship is ending, if we could simply feel our feelings and move on, we would hurt less."---B.J. Gallagher

There have been some disruptions going on in my own personal life in the last two days that's led to me feeling blue and brokenhearted.  The general gist of my situation:  I felt that a friend had betrayed me and now I don't think I can be friends with her anymore.  Even though today I'm doing a lot better than last night (when I mourned the loss of our friendship), I also recognize that there may be lasting ramifications that I have yet to feel with the end of our friendship.

It hurts to have to let go, but the incident made me realize that I've ignored or made excuses for her bad behavior in the past.  It's about time that I realize my own worth and that she's wasn't all that great of a friend in the first place.  Yes, I shared a lot with her and she shared a lot with me.  Yet, I don't think our friendship was strong enough to survive her transgression against me (or at least what I perceive to be a transgression against me).

Yes, it hurts.  I'd like to hurt less.  But, this too shall pass and I will move on.

How are you doing?


Anonymous said...

Recently I've lost some friends that I've known for several years now. Reading your story has brought some light to me that if our friends were true friends they shouldn't treat us the way they did. True friends share, protect us from harming way and not harm you in the process.

Loosing someone can be hard, but I know you and I will get through this.

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, dear Friend, I hope you are doing well. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It is really hard on the heart and it's so painful to have to let go of people that were friends. I know that years from now, we'll look back on our respective losses and not regret. We might even wonder why it took so long for us to let go. I hope you are doing well. Keep your head up and keep shining bright.