Saturday, May 9, 2015

Moongold Apricot Tree

I've mentioned on this blog that I have a Sungold apricot tree (or at least what I think is a Sungold). I don't know why it's taken me so long to purchase a pollinator apricot tree (so that I could've had fruit), despite my desire of wanting one for so long.  So yesterday, I made my Mr. Man buy a Moongold apricot tree.  Now, all I have to do is find a sunny place to plant it.  I don't think I'm going to get any fruit this year, which is okay.  All I really want for next year is for the Moongold tree to put forth blossoms so that it will pollinate the Sungold (which is mature enough to bear fruit). Seriously, why did I wait so long and why didn't I purchase a Moongold right before the Sungold started blooming this year?  I blame it all on my Mr. Man for telling me to quit buying so many fruit trees (even though I told him the Sungold came with the house and it just makes sense to buy a pollinator tree).  It's always his fault.We'll see about an update and if I get any fruit this year.  What fruit trees do you have in your yard?

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