Friday, May 29, 2015

Friday's Quote: John F. Kennedy

"We must use time as a tool, not as a couch."---John F. Kennedy


I actually just had a conversation with a friend yesterday and told her that she had been sitting on the sidelines of life (using it as a couch) and that she needed to get off and start living her life.  I knew exactly what she's going through because I too had followed that same path.

Life is meant to be lived.  Once I fully came to that realization, that I was thinking too much and not living with my heart, I made the intention to live my life again.  I saw that I had let opportunities pass me by because I was too afraid of moving forward.  Rather than continue to wait and watch time go by, I began to live and participate in my life.  I developed faith, believing that if I took any detours, there's always a way home because I will always have my family and close friends to guide me to where I needed to be.  

Rather than only focus on all the missed opportunities I passed on, I looked at the lessons I had to learn.  I learned I had to stretch my heart bigger, so I could love unconditionally and from a distance (I wanted what was best for all, no matter how much I hurt).  I learned to really be thankful and grateful for all the blessings and bounty I already had in my life but overlooked on a daily basis (my family, my health, my life, my home, etc.).  I learned a lot about self-love and acceptance.

I also took stock of who and what I had in my life.  I realized that the only person who continued to stay was the one that mattered the most.  Despite all the bumps in the road, he was loyal and continued to love me.  Maybe he was meant for me.

So, I'm finally embarking on my adventure.  I hope it will be a good one.  At the very least, I can say that I've lived my life.  I didn't wait around, watching it pass me by.

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