Saturday, March 14, 2015

Spring-Like Weather

This past week have been wonderful.  I don't even need a jacket to step outside during the lunch hour (early mornings and evenings are a different story).  Today was just as wonderful.  The skies were so blue, the light breezes kept the air cool, and the sun felt great on my skin.  There is no sign of snow and the lake is thawing out.  If you have great weather in your neck of the woods, go and enjoy it.  I got in a quick walk today and I might take another one this evening, but that will depend on me catching up with all of my chores (life has been hectic).

Now, this is Minnesota and anything can happen from now until June.  I'm hoping for continued spring-like weather and a long growing season.  I'm so excited for this garden season because I'm actually looking forward to growing things in my garden again.

Are you excited that it's finally spring?


Anonymous said...

Love the lake shot! What exposer technique did you use on this photo?

My Favorite Things said...

Hi Anonymous? How are you? For this shot, I used my 85 mm. I suggest that you start shooting in RAW (not JPEG) so that you can play around with brightness, clarity, colors, etc., of your pictures. I presume that you have a Canon, which comes with software. Install Canon's Digital Photo Professional onto your laptop (assuming you have a Canon 6D camera) open your RAW pictures with it. Once you've played around it, you can export the pictures as JPEGs). Good luck with your photography. :)