Monday, November 10, 2014

First Snow Fall

This morning I woke up to snow.  Not a sprinkling of snow, but to several inches of snow.  I was warned yesterday that it going to snow.  Yet, I thought that it would snow today in the afternoon, not some time during the night.

Well, the mild autumn has been quite nice.  I'm a bit sad to say good bye to it, although I've been anticipating the snow for some time (I only live in Minnesota where it's equated with snow).  Even if the snow melts in the next few days, the first new fall really signifies that winter is here.  For me, it really is time to hunker down and get on with my indoor projects (e.g. hmoob paj ntaub, hmoob clothes, sock monkeys, crocheting hats).

How is the weather in your neck of the woods?  Are you already hunkering down too?  Or still waiting?

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