Monday, June 30, 2014

Kansas City

My friend's dining room.  I love her two glass jars of fermented mustard greens.
 I met up with my friends this past weekend in Kansas City, KC and Kansas City, MO.  This was my first time in Kansas and despite the many warnings I got about Kansas (which I won't repeat), it wasn't half bad.

The MacKay Building that belongs to Park University.
I had a lot of fun hiking and exploring both cities named Kansas.  I made my friends hike (we discovered Park University), watch Think Like a Man (the original and sequel) and they made me get a pedicure (a first for me). We had so many laughs between the three of us and continued to share laughs at a comedy club.

Do you like our pedicures?  Guess which feet are mine?
Aside from talking, the other thing we do well together is eat!  We got brunch and yummy cinnamon rolls from Strouds.  While visiting the City of Parkville, my friend found her favorite meal at Frank's Italian Restaurant, while I loved their tiramisu.  We waited for approximately an hour and a ten minutes for food at Oklahoma Joes.  We also ate South Asian Indian food (a first for the both of them).

Cinnamon buns from Strouds.
We shared a slice of tiramisu from Frank's Italian Restaurant.

It was super humid (I showered at least twice per a day).  It was exhausting (but in a good way).  It was fun.  In a blink of an eye, the long weekend came to an end and it was time to return to reality.

Spring Cave
Loose Park Rose Garden
I'm now missing my friends.  I'm so glad they made time to spend with me and were open to the things I wanted to do (such as making them walk so much).  If they're not too sore, hopefully we'll be able to meet up again next year.

Have you been to Kansas City, MO or Kansas City, KS?  What was your experience there?

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