Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: Nothing Better

Today's song actually matches up with the Quote of the Day that appears to the right (which changes daily).  Today's quote is from Finley Peter Dunns, who said, "The past always looks better than it was.  It's only pleasant because it isn't here."  On that same theme, this song "Nothing Better" by The Postal Service is sung from the view point of a man and a woman who were in a relationship.  The man has one particular view of the relationship while the woman has a different.  One recalls the past relationship very pleasantly, while the other thinks that person's version is skewed.

I first heard this song when I was in graduate school in Minnesota and loved it.  The song is written as if we're eavesdropping on an intimate conversation.  I also love the hyperboles and similes used throughout this song.

Please let me know what you think of this song.  Do you think your past only looks better because it isn't here?

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