Sunday, June 29, 2014

Secondary Wedding Photographer

Last week, exactly last Sunday, I volunteered to be a secondary photographer at a wedding.  My friend, the main photographer, was related to the bride and asked if I wanted to help her photograph the wedding.  Since I've been wanting to improve my photography skills, she thought that this might give me some experience.  I readily agreed and I sure am glad I joined in because the experience really was priceless.

Not only did I further learn to use my camera, I also learned how to improvise (it started raining like crazy) and "see" a scene.  Through my pictures, I know that the best pictures I took are macro and still life, and I need to improve on my portraiture techniques.  I also forced myself to be more extroverted and social (which is really hard for me).

If you ever thought that being a wedding photographer was easy, it's not.  I'm so appreciative of my friend giving me a chance to shadow her and to also capture some of the beautiful moments at this wedding.  Hopefully, there will be more chances in the future for me to be a secondary photographer again.  Despite all the running around, it was fun.

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