Monday, April 21, 2014


Earlier last week, I came home at a normal time, rather than staying late at work.  With the sun setting later and later, it was still light out by the time I got home.  With the recent longer days and nicer weather, I often take that time to enjoy a good run or nice walk.  Yet, on this particular day, it was cold and windy, despite the deceptively bright shining sun.  So I came home and napped.  I napped for a good couple of hours and it was a wonderful nap.  I don't even recall dreaming.  I easily went to sleep and woke up without feeling groggy.

I don't know why I don't nap more often.  I find it hard to fall asleep outside of my usual sleeping hours. I'm also realizing that I need to sleep more.  I once knew a person who was like the Energizer Bunny, he just kept going and going.  He really made me feel lazy.  Now, in comparison to others, I'm realizing I'm like the Energizer Bunny (although I don't think I've changed my ways or habits).  My body needs a good rest every now and then.  Yes, I will try to incorporate napping into my adult life and nap more often.  I even napped yesterday and it was yummy.

I hope that you take time to get more sleep and incorporate napping into your life.  Do you like taking naps?


Aplysia Oceanography said...

i love napping. But i have been taking it out of my daily life because it's takes away too much time from my life when i can productive.

My Favorite Things said...

I especially love napping with another person. It's so nice to have another person keep me warm.