Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

Today was a beautiful day.  I'm so sorry that I didn't capture it at all with a picture or two.  I had forgotten my camera at home and it didn't occur to me to just use my camera phone.

Since the weather was beautiful (it was 75 degrees F and I actually wore shorts and a tank outside), I got in an early walk.  I then spent some time in the afternoon with my dear friend and some of her family members.  I don't know if she knows, but it meant so much for me to see her and her family, especially when I'm so far away from my own family members.  Thank you, my dear friend.

I ended the day with a well deserved nap.  I know I have to prepare for this coming week, but I'm happy revel in today's adventure.

How was your Easter?  Did you spend it with family, friends, or anybody significant?  Hope you still continue to have a Happy Easter.

1 comment:

Aplysia Oceanography said...

i spent it with my friends. I was the only one who dyed eggs. I guess they weren't too interested in dying eggs because they did it all the time when they were young. Since I didn't do it very much when i was younger, I had a blast dying eggs all by myself. It was super fun cos i got to be super greedy, didn't even have to share. :) I will post pictures on my blog when i have time.