Thursday, April 17, 2014

"Freak" Snow Storm

It's the middle of April and last night a "freak" snow storm hit much of Minnesota.  It's not really a "freak" snow storm because it's pretty common for snow storms to occur at this time of the year.  Just because it's been officially "spring" for the last several weeks doesn't mean that spring has actually happened.  I like to call it a "freak" snow storm because I'm trying to lie to myself that much of winter has passed, even though I know winter doesn't really end until May.

Last night, I left work at my usual time, rather than wait for the traffic to die down.  It was a long and slow drive, but I'm glad that I left while the sun was still out (it's not as if I was able to see the sun).  There were parts of my drive that were almost blizzard like conditions due to the blowing snow and limited visibility.  I think my driving conditions would've been worse had I driven at night.  When I got home, my car got stuck in my driveway and I had to shovel it out (of course with help of my next door neighbor), just so I could park it in front of my garage.

Yesterday's snow storm dumped about twelve inches of snow in my neck of the woods.  This morning, I had to dig myself out of my house.  The snow is heavy and wet, and my tree branches are doing their best in giving in without breaking.  More snow is expected, even though I think it'll all melt by the weekend.

I hope you're having a good day today.  Enjoy the weather, where ever you are at. 

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