Saturday, January 18, 2014

Heart Shaped Rock

I get a lot of joy and excitement from the simple things in life.  I don't care much about fancy cars, designer handbags and shoes.  Yet, it's buttons, thread, and rocks that I love.

I was ecstatic when I found my holey heart shaped rock on a beach in California.  Before finding it, I'd been seeing images of heart shaped rocks and been wanting a heart shaped rock.  So, I was quite happy to have found my rock and I even dislodged a bug that was residing in one of the holes just so that I could take the rock home with me.  

When I returned from my trip, I showed it to several family members, including my dad.  Well, my dad wanted my holey heart shaped rock.  As much as I wanted to keep my rock (and I really wanted to keep my holey heart shaped rock), I also saw in his eyes, happiness and yearning for my rock.  So, I told my dad he could keep it.  My hope is that one day, I'll reclaim my rock from him.

Image credit:

This year, I intend to keep my eyes open and find more naturally heart shaped rocks.  I'm also hoping my family and friends living near the ocean will keep an eye out for me too.  I'm noticing online that there are sellers of naturally heart shaped rocks, but I don't want to buy or have somebody buy one for me (not to imply that I don't support these businesses).  I'd rather find my own or have someone gift to me a rock that they themselves found.

What simple things do you love?

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