Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nco Kuv Me Me

I have a really embarrassing secret to share.  I don't even know why I'm sharing it.  I've been wanting to better my Hmong.  I hardly have the opportunity to speak it with others and I really don't know how to read and write it.  So, here's my shameful secret . . . I go and watch YouTube to learn how to speak and read Hmong, and to learn new Hmong words.  I don't do this often, but it's my number one way to learn Hmong.  (I'll save for another time, my other embarrassing method of learning to read and write Hmong.)

So one of the songs I've learned from is called Nco Kuv Me Me.  Literally translated, it says "Miss Me a Little Bit."  The original singer of the song is Lue Yang, but there's a more modern version of the song by the artist Kaishek Vang.  I love both songs, but I was only able to find the modern version that had the lyrics on the screen.  Check it out  you have time.  If you want to check the original version by Lue Yang, check out this webpage:

Do you know how to read and write Hmong?


Anonymous said...

Such a great song!

My Favorite Things said...

It is a great song Anonymous. I also learned from this song too:

Anonymous said...

Both songs are very touching in their own ways...

My Favorite Things said...

Yes, both songs are very touching in their own ways. However, they're both great to read and learn Hmong with.