Friday, December 6, 2013

Friday's Quote: Robert Louis Stevenson

"To forget oneself is to be happy."---Robert Louis Stevenson

I've been thinking too much about myself lately.  (During Thanksgiving, other than taking my nephew shopping, I only shopped for myself.)  It sounds horrible, but it's not that bad.  I realize that it was something I had to go through in order to balance myself and my life.  I've been taking care of people all my life and have thought so little of myself.  I've cared for my family, even when I'm far away, and for the first time in a long time, I actually had the energy and time to just focus on me.  Even when my beau and I were living together, I think I took good care of him.  Of course, he took care of me too, but I think I did more of the emotional work.  So, lately it's been all about me, myself, and I.

Now, I will continue to care for myself, but I think I'm ready to put myself on the back burner for a bit and focus on other things and other people.  I've been slowly participating in several projects occurring outside of my life and my normal work hours, and so far I've been happy with the experiences.  I've always known that I'm happiest when I'm useful and helpful to others, and I'd like to continue participating in these opportunities.  This cuts into some of my time of writing and working on my creative "projects" (e.g. quilt making, scarf making, upholstery), but I will make time and finally stop procrastinating.  I'm excited to see what else comes my way.

What do you focus on, outside of yourself, that makes you happy?  Or do you need to take time to focus on yourself so that you can focus on others?


Anonymous said...

Sometime it's best to focus on oneself before focusing on others?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I really needed to focus on myself and I'm a lot happier these days. I hope you do the same for yourself (e.g. get more sleep, read, write). Good luck.