Thursday, December 5, 2013

Dear Winter,

I know you must come every year.  Especially to this part of the world.  It just has to happen.  Without you, the moose will continue to die off, there would be no ice skating on the lakes, and you provide a really good excuse for me to stay home and do nothing.

Yet, must it be this cold?  This morning was 7 degrees F.  Today's high is supposed to be 10 degrees F.  Yes, I know all the jokes about the cold keeping the rift raft out of Minnesota and building that distinct character that's "Minnesotian," but does it really have to be so cold?  I know that none of my siblings will move here to live on a permanent basis.  Even my dear friend, who swears that she'll come here first if she ever decides to move, will immediately leave after experiencing her first real winter.

Today, I regret not accepting all the marriage proposals I've had from those who didn't live in Minnesota.  I'm also regretting not accepting the marriage proposals from those who did live in Minnesota and agreed to move elsewhere.  What is wrong with me?  I guess I'm a sucker for you, Winter.  I'm a big sucker.

So, Winter, please keep the cold to a minimum.  I know it's supposed to be very very frigid this whole week, but if you do intend to go -20 degrees F, then please do it over this weekend.  At least that way, I can pour boiling water outside and see it instantly turn into vapor (hey, I'm trying to be positive here, even at a scientific level).

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