Saturday, June 29, 2013

Feelin' So Fly, Like a G-6

Yesterday, I went tandem skydiving for the first time in my life.  It was quite an experience and I'm glad I did it.  I'd encourage you to do it too, but it's definitely not for the faint of heart and those with heart problems.
I was supposed to have done this earlier in the month but it got postponed because of the weather.  Yesterday was a good day and I left work early.  After getting to the skydiving site and signing my life away, I got harnessed up and joined a bunch of others in a small plane.  As we ascended into the clouds, it was still a bit cloudy, but the ride was great.  I hate flying on large commercial planes because I get airsick so easily, but for some reason, I didn't get sick and I loved the feeling of being so high in the sky.

Time to jump!!!

Then, when we got to the right altitude, it was time to jump out of the plane.  I can truly say that I was not afraid to jump.  So, I was the second person to jump out.  OMG!!!  The free fall was crazy.  We fell through some gray clouds, the mist was hitting me in the face (my exposed skin felt like I was pricked all over) and I couldn't even scream because it felt as if the air was coming at me so fast.  Then when I thought that I couldn't take it any more (and my cheeks looked like chipmunk cheeks), the clouds parted, the sky turned blue, and our parachute came out.
Free falling.
The view was so beautiful!  The experience was so beautiful!  Life is so beautiful!  I loved parachuting down to the ground.  If this is how a bird feels like when flying, then I'd love to have wings.
Look at that horizon.  Can you see the rainstorm wetting only a certain portion of the geography?
Eventually I was glad to be on solid ground, but I LOVED the experience.  It was so well worth the time and effort.  I'm so glad that I did this at my age and didn't put it off any longer.

Time to come on down.  What a beautiful experience.

Will I do this again, maybe.  I guess it depends on who would do it with me.  How about you?  Have you gone skydiving and/or tandem skydiving before?  If you haven't would you think you would do it?


Unknown said...

How come I didn't know of this? Looks so fun. I want to do it too.

My Favorite Things said...

Mein, I think you would LOVE it. It was so awesome and worth the money. I say do it while you still have no fear in you.

Unknown said...

Im scared thinking about it. I was scared doing repelling. But the moment I started. It was really fun.