Friday, July 5, 2013


I don't know if it's seeing people that I shouldn't be seeing or talking to old friends that I once knew.  It might be the fact that my only sibling in Minnesota will be moving back to California or it could just be my emotional time of the month.  Regardless, I've been feeling very lonely lately and I don't know how to make that loneliness go away.

Other than when I'm at work, I spend much of my time alone.  I don't intend to, it just works out to be like that.  Yet, I want to clarify that being alone doesn't equate to being lonely.  I actually do enjoy the time I have to myself.  I'm not always lonely when I'm by myself, but I do get lonely sometimes.   I know that much of the loneliness stems from inside of me.  I think being around others distracts me and takes the focus away from the loneliness, and it doesn't make the loneliness go away.  I think my loneliness stems from some of the bad decisions I've made in my life.  I guess it's just something I have to work on.

I've been trying to meditate more often.  Of course, I'm not doing a great job at it.  I guess I just need to figure it out.

Do you get lonely?  What do you do to stop feeling so lonely?


Unknown said...

When i feel lonely. I call someone and talk to them. Chia, tue Ker, lee may, Zer n everyone else. But mostly chia. Whenever you feel lonely neng. I want you to call me. I feel I don't know you enough and it would be awesome to get to know you better.

My Favorite Things said...

I'll try and call you too, Mein. It's just that sometimes, talking to another person isn't good enough. This loneliness stems from something inside of me, some kind of emotional baggage that I know that I need to deal with. But, thank you and I love you.

Unknown said...

Yes neng. We are always here.