Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Power of Goodbye

To understand my mood, please listen to this:


Anonymous said...

Such a sad song! Sometime when you give your heart away it's hard to say goodbye! Those lessons we must learn?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I believe that this song represents my mood (how I feel about that person) and that person's mood (how that person felt about me). Yes, it's a lesson learned, but that doesn't mean that I won't give my heart away again. As I said before, maybe saying good bye is a way for us to say hello again in the future.

Unknown said...

No ML sister, when you say good bye, that's what it means...."good-bye", NOT see you in the future. Let it go dear. With time, it will be better.

My Favorite Things said...

ML Sister Kia Vue, CALM DOWN! Sometimes people have to say good bye to a relationship. It just has to happen. This is true in all relationships: romantic love, friendships, strictly business, and even in family. Yes, sometimes good bye is a good bye forever. At other times, the good bye is just time off so that the relationship can begin at a later time (even just as a friendship or acquaintance). I know that time heals all wounds. This is just my way of letting go and moving on.

My Favorite Things said...

Also, Kia Vue, this is just my mood right now. Be happy that this is not my mood: