Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday's Quote: George Santayana

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it."---George Santayana


I'm sure that when George Santayana said these words, he must have referred to something on a more philosophical and grand level.  Not something like my pitiful heart.

My problem is that I remember too much of the past.  I am condemned to repeat my past because I hold on to so much.  Maybe I'm just not learning from my past.  I don't really know anymore.

Lately, I no longer want to remember anything else from my past.  I just want to forget and move forward.  I hope I will not be condemned to repeat my past if I choose to forget what has happened.

What do you think?  Are we condemned to repeat our past if we don't remember it?


Anonymous said...

I think what he was trying to say was remember your past and don't repeat them or else you will be condemned with sorrow...

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, maybe you are right. Regardless if I remember my past or not, my love life has been filled with a lot of sorrow lately. I know that things will get better in time, but time can't hurry up enough so that I can finally look back on my past and not be so sad.