Saturday, May 11, 2013

Garden Update

Little, not yet green, buds on my Mount Royal plum tree.
I don't think Minnesota had a spring this year.  It's almost the middle of May and there have been some warm days, but it's still cold outside.  So far, my fruit trees have barely budded (whereas in other years I already have fruit developing).  Maybe this year, with the late spring (or no spring) turning into summer, there might not be a frost to kill off any potential fruit buds.  I'm really hoping that my plum tree will bear fruit this year.  I've been waiting for the last three to four spring and so far, no fruit.
Little green buds on my Morello cherry tree.
As for my seedlings that I started inside my house, my seedlings struggled and are no longer alive.  I'm so sad.  I haven't had much success in the past starting my seedlings inside the house.  I've always has a high success rate when I plant the seeds directly in my garden.  So I directly sowed into the ground herbs (e.g. cilantro, onions, parsley, basil), potatoes, peas, and radishes.  Yet, due to this year's very long winter, starting some of my plants from direct sowing of seeds outdoors isn't a good idea because the growing season is too short here.  This is especially for certain tomatoes and chili peppers.  So for these plants, I'm relying heavily on starter plants from the store to help make up my garden.  I really don't mind using plants from the store, I just hate that I'm limited to what's available.  For example, I've been trying to find Thai chili plants, but so far I've had no luck.  Just waiting for the warm weather and sufficient rain.
Using empty bottles (with the ends cut) as clouches to protect tender plants.
How is your garden coming along so far?


Unknown said...

My yard sucks...nothing grows in my yard. Its the yard of DEATH.

My Favorite Things said...

It's called patience, growing the right things in the right place, and creating healthy soil. Maybe one of these days, I can come and help you.