Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Quote: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men."---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Sometimes you have to dream big in order to have someone believe in your dreams.  I've also realized that sometimes, no matter how big the dream, it must be one that should be shared by another in order to move that person's heart.
My former beau, how he dreamed big dreams.  I loved listening to his big dreams.  He wanted to have a football's team worth of children and a house on a big, big beautiful lake.  The house had to have at least three bedrooms, two baths, and three garages.  His dreams, however at the time, did not move my heart because I didn't share that dream with him.  I hope he knows that I'm sorry that I didn't share his dream with him.

How about you?  What big dreams have you dreamt?

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