Saturday, March 16, 2013

Another Spring and Another Garden

It has been another sad winter and a very long winter in general.  Just when I thought I was ready to give up all of my hopes of surviving another winter, something wakes up inside of me and makes me continue to hope.  This weekend, it's the thought of preparing for another garden that woke me up.

This year, I'm going to try and grow different plants such as Asian eggplants, Japanese mustard (mizuna), broccoli raab, Oregon sugar pea, and a different type of spinach (razzle dazzle hybrid).  I'm also going to continue to grow some of my favorite tomatoes (green zebra and brandy wine tomatoes) and chili peppers (jalapeno).  I'm starting some plants from seed, specifically those that require a longer time to mature.  I'm also planning to buy a lot of my tomatoes and jalapenos from the farmer's market this year because I don't think I'm going to be able to grow enough to make the requisite amount for salsa and pickling in the summer.

It has been some time since I've actually been excited about anything.  I can't wait for spring to come and for me to start working on my garden.  Last year, I was a bit negligent with my garden, but this year, I'm feeling a lot different.  I can't wait to start working on my garden.

How about you, are you going to start a garden this year?  What new plants are you trying out, if any?


Anonymous said...

What great start for the year. Hopefully you're see spring with all that snow?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, thanks for the comment. I really do hope for another great gardening year, but we'll see how far along my seeds go. I'm still waiting and hoping for spring. It will come, right? I hope you're having a great spring in your neck of the woods.