Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday's Quote: William James

"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."---William James

My younger siblings think I'm a dinosaur, a dino.  Really, I don't think I am.  I believe I'm still quite young (seriously, with each passing year, I realize how much I still need to learn and how much I could grow).  With age, I try to become wiser.  Of course, it's a work in progress.
Have I mentioned how unwise I've been in love?  In fact, in retrospect, I'm beginning to see in my past relationships, issues that seemed so big at the time but now could have been overlooked.  How I wish I was wiser.
I am actually reminded of a friend who has come out of a very long term relationship.  He's now realized how much he's changed himself for his partner during the relationship and wishes to never be like that again.  Yet, I think he forgets that in all relationships, there must be compromises.  Sometimes, one may not have to change who he is for his partner, but he also must realize that there are compromises to be made in all relationships and that he isn't the only who also has to change.  I hope that in his quest to find a new partner, he becomes a lot wiser.  I hope that when he finds someone to love with all of his heart (and especially when his love is being returned in the same way), I hope he is able to overlook some of the issues that seem so "big," but may not be.  I really wish him a lot of love and happiness. 


Anonymous said...

Hope he will find peace knowing he has lost a person like you. Seems your a very special person!

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I don't know if I'm a special person or not. I also don't know if the persons I've loved are living in turmoil or not because he is no longer my beau. Sometimes, I get messages from my previous love(s) that tell me how he is doing.

As for my friend, the one I referenced in my blog posting, I only wish him lots of love, laughter, and life. He will always be special to me.