Friday, March 29, 2013

Pickled Radishes

My parents grow a boat load's worth of radishes, and I really do mean a boat load.  In that boat load's worth of radishes, there are also a lot of "ugly" looking radishes.  You know the kind, the ones that are cracked or spotted, but are still very edible on the inside.  So, what does one do with all of these radishes, especially the "ugly" ones?  You pickle them, of course.

I tried two different recipes and they're both very interesting.  The first recipe has a sugary tang to it, while the second one reminds me of kimchi.  I used a mandolin to evenly slice the radishes.  I didn't water bath the jars of pickled radishes, instead I opted to just refrigerate the pickled radishes.  If you come into some radishes (which are also really easy to grow too), try out these recipes.  

I really love how the radishes turn the vinegar a pretty pink color.  I think that once you're done with your jar of pickled radishes, the liquid would be perfect for pickled eggs.  Enjoy.

Quick Pickled Sweet ‘n Spicy Radishes
Makes 1 quart and 1 pint
1 to 2 bunches large radishes, leaves removed
1 cup seasoned rice vinegar
1 cup white wine vinegar
2 cups water
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon pickling salt

1. Mix together the vinegars, water, sugar, and pickling salt.
2. Slice the radishes into thin slices.
3. Stuff radish slices into jars, fill jars with vinegar mix, leaving 1/2 inch from the top.
4. Cover and refrigerate.
Pickled Radishes
1 bunch or 4 long radishes (about 1-pound, 400 g of radishes)
1 cup water
1 cup white vinegar
2 teaspoons sea salt
2 teaspoons sugar or honey
1/2 teaspoon crushed peppercorns
1 to 2 cloves garlic, peeled
optional: 1 chile pepper, split lengthwise

1. If using long radishes, peel them. Trim off the leaves and roots and slice.
2. In a non-reactive saucepan, bring the water, vinegar, salt, and sugar or honey to a boil, until the sugar and salt are dissolved. Remove from heat and add the peppercorns, garlic and chile, if using. 3. Pack the radishes in a clean pint-sized jar, and pour the hot liquid over them, adding the garlic and chile into the jar as well.
4. Cover and let cool to room temperature, then refrigerate.

Storage: The radishes will be ready to eat after 24 hours. During storage, the liquid will turn a nice rosy color and flavors -such as garlic and hot peppers – will get stronger. The radishes can be kept in the refrigerator for up to one month.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Home Orange Grove

[Fresno, CA; Taken March 26, 2013.]

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Another Spring and Another Garden

It has been another sad winter and a very long winter in general.  Just when I thought I was ready to give up all of my hopes of surviving another winter, something wakes up inside of me and makes me continue to hope.  This weekend, it's the thought of preparing for another garden that woke me up.

This year, I'm going to try and grow different plants such as Asian eggplants, Japanese mustard (mizuna), broccoli raab, Oregon sugar pea, and a different type of spinach (razzle dazzle hybrid).  I'm also going to continue to grow some of my favorite tomatoes (green zebra and brandy wine tomatoes) and chili peppers (jalapeno).  I'm starting some plants from seed, specifically those that require a longer time to mature.  I'm also planning to buy a lot of my tomatoes and jalapenos from the farmer's market this year because I don't think I'm going to be able to grow enough to make the requisite amount for salsa and pickling in the summer.

It has been some time since I've actually been excited about anything.  I can't wait for spring to come and for me to start working on my garden.  Last year, I was a bit negligent with my garden, but this year, I'm feeling a lot different.  I can't wait to start working on my garden.

How about you, are you going to start a garden this year?  What new plants are you trying out, if any?

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday's Quote: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

"Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men."---Johann Wolfgang von Goethe


Sometimes you have to dream big in order to have someone believe in your dreams.  I've also realized that sometimes, no matter how big the dream, it must be one that should be shared by another in order to move that person's heart.
My former beau, how he dreamed big dreams.  I loved listening to his big dreams.  He wanted to have a football's team worth of children and a house on a big, big beautiful lake.  The house had to have at least three bedrooms, two baths, and three garages.  His dreams, however at the time, did not move my heart because I didn't share that dream with him.  I hope he knows that I'm sorry that I didn't share his dream with him.

How about you?  What big dreams have you dreamt?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday's Quote: William James

"The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."---William James

My younger siblings think I'm a dinosaur, a dino.  Really, I don't think I am.  I believe I'm still quite young (seriously, with each passing year, I realize how much I still need to learn and how much I could grow).  With age, I try to become wiser.  Of course, it's a work in progress.
Have I mentioned how unwise I've been in love?  In fact, in retrospect, I'm beginning to see in my past relationships, issues that seemed so big at the time but now could have been overlooked.  How I wish I was wiser.
I am actually reminded of a friend who has come out of a very long term relationship.  He's now realized how much he's changed himself for his partner during the relationship and wishes to never be like that again.  Yet, I think he forgets that in all relationships, there must be compromises.  Sometimes, one may not have to change who he is for his partner, but he also must realize that there are compromises to be made in all relationships and that he isn't the only who also has to change.  I hope that in his quest to find a new partner, he becomes a lot wiser.  I hope that when he finds someone to love with all of his heart (and especially when his love is being returned in the same way), I hope he is able to overlook some of the issues that seem so "big," but may not be.  I really wish him a lot of love and happiness.