Saturday, December 1, 2012

Triple Berry Jam

A couple of months ago, I finally got around to making a triple berry jam.  I love triple berry jam.  It was my first time making triple berry jam, but I think it turned out great.
In my jam, I used equal amounts of strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries.  The strawberries and raspberries were picked from my garden.  Throughout the summer, I slowly picked and froze the strawberries and raspberries until I had enough for at least a cup's worth of each berry.  I really opted to not eat the fresh fruit just so that I could make this jam (of course, I did sample a few berries here and there).  The blueberries were ordered from a farm in Michigan and frozen until I had time to make this jam.  Like my blueberry jam (see my post on July 23, 2011), I wanted a low sugar jam and I used lemons for added pectin.
Low Sugar Triple Berry Jam
2 Cups of Strawberries
2 Cups of Blueberries
2 Cups of Raspberries
2 Lemons, juiced and zested
3 Cups of Sugar
1. Put strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, lemon juice and zest in a large pan.  Cook over medium heat.  Stir constantly and bring to a rolling boil.  Turn the heat down.
2. Add the sugar and stir until incorporated.  Turn up heat to medium and continue to stir constantly.  Stir until jam comes to desired consistency (e.g. how soft or firm you want the jam).  Turn off the heat.
3. Let jam cool for a minute or two, can the jam, and hot water bath the jam.


Anonymous said...


My Favorite Things said...

Thanks Anonymous. I hope to share this jam with some family and close friends.

Anonymous said...

To bad I'm not a family member or close friends.

Anonymous said...

I never got the salsa you supposivly sent.


My Favorite Things said...

Mein, I will send some salsa to you people. I've just been busy with work and being depressed. I'm just surprised that ya'll haven't made your own salsa, considering how much fresh fruit and vegetables are available in CA.