Monday, December 24, 2012

Merry Monkey Christmas

Have a Merry Christmas.  I don't usually put out holiday decorations, but I do appreciate it.  While at the mall a couple of days ago, I saw several stuffed sock monkey ornaments on display.  I thought the monkeys were super cute and just wanted a picture.  Aren't the monkeys kinda cute?
I hope that you have a wonderful and peaceful Christmas day.  I also came across a blog yesterday, in which the blogger had a sock monkey Christmas tree last year.  Check out her pictures and the cute sock monkeys on her tree:
Happy Holiday!


Anonymous said...

I Can't believe you didn't come down. We all were looking forward to seeing you. I bought some henna from India n was hoping for all of us to have some fun. You suck neng.


Anonymous said...

When am I getting mine! The sock monkey is so cute. Trunk Monkey

My Favorite Things said...

Trunk Monkey, yes those sock monkeys are cute, but I don't think they're as cute as mine. Hopefully, one day a friend will buy you one or make one for you. Good luck.

My Favorite Things said...

Mein, we can do the henna when I get back home. It's not the end of the world.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

We did henna, it was super fun. It was my gift from Mein. I guess if I had looked at this earlier, I would have known what my present was. Mein, MJ, Kia and I did henna. We had too much fun. MJ was putting shit all over his body. Kia did a design on her leg and I did designs on my left hand. Mein did some on his back. The sock monkey is super cool. I think there's a little too many sock monkeys with the same design. they should have a variety. they all look the same, no fun.

Unknown said...

Cute monkeys!