Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What to do?

Yesterday, while at a big box retail store, I purchased a honeycrisp apple tree.  It's a regular honeycrisp apple tree, not a dwarf honeycrisp apple tree.  The tree is expected to grow to be 20' wide and 20' tall.  That's going to be a big tree.  It's not gigantic, but it's big enough that I'm worried and wondering where I will plant it.  It needs lots of sun, needs to be close enough to other apple trees (for pollination purposes), and I'm trying to keep it close to my yard and not near my neighbors' yards.  I already have a lot of other trees on my property too.

Oh, what to do?  Now, I'm wondering if I should just return the tree and give another dwarf honeycrisp apple tree another chance.  Or, should I just give this tree a chance and find a place for it.  What to do?


Anonymous said...

I've never seen your place before? But by the sound of it, it looks like you don't have much space for that tree maybe you should return it and get another dwarf honeycrisp apple tree. G

My Favorite Things said...

I'm still debating. I'm sure I'll eventually write a post detailing my decision. Thanks so much for your comment, G.

My Favorite Things said...

G, I decided today to keep the tree and plant it in almost the same spot where the other one was located at.