Friday, May 25, 2012

Friday's Quote: Michelangelo

"Genius is eternal patience."---Michelangelo

I've been trying to turn a part of my lawn into a garden.  I have visions of it becoming a truly serene place with diverse plants, beautiful flowers, and walking paths meandering through lush vegetation.  Of course, at this moment I feel as if most of my plants are misplaced, the area is a breeding ground for mosquitoes, and of course lots of weeds interspersed throughout all of my plants.

I know I'm no genius when it comes to planning a garden and situating my plants.  At the same time, I am willing to be patient and hope that mother nature, in all of her wisdom, will help me out with my efforts to create my garden.  I'm just hoping that at some point, it will all come together.  I know that my garden will never be considered a genius, but I hope that someone may at least appreciate it.

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