Saturday, October 8, 2011

Garden Space

When I was in Chicago, my friend and I visited the Chicago Institute of Art. We arrived a bit too early and the museum was closed, so she and I got some breakfast to go and ate it at a garden space located right next to the museum. I believe this garden space is owned by the museum. This garden space had lots of older trees, in which each tree was planted in a "container" and there were vines growing all over the trees. The space also had a fountain and a little pool.

The garden space was so enchanting. The trees filtered so much of the morning sunlight coming into the space and it felt so serene. It was my favorite spot during my stay in Chicago and I would love to go back to this garden space again. I said that if I lived in Chicago, I would try my very best to picnic there as often as possible, or even go and just sit in that space for the sake of being in that space. It would be my favorite spot.

I felt as if I was in some formal English garden, although the garden space was probably modeled after a formal English garden. I think Mr. Darcy, from Pride and Prejudice, could have owned a garden space similar to this one. What do you think?

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