Sunday, September 25, 2011

Harvesting Potatoes

Earlier this spring I planted four little spuds (two red and two yellow varieties) but only two survived and sprouted. Considering that one of the plant has finally died and the other is in the process of dying, I thought that I might as well dig out and harvest the potatoes. Weather-wise, it's probably the right time to harvest my potatoes because the weather in general has gotten a lot colder. Furthermore, the general practice of harvesting potatoes is to wait for the plant to flower and die, and then once the plant is dying or dead, one can then harvest the potatoes.

I found it quite fun digging through the dirt to find the potatoes. I thought that I was only going to get the red variety, but luckily for me, one plant was of the red variety and the other is of the yellow variety. As you can see, I got a handful from both plants. Although it wasn't a lot, it's enough for a couple of meals. I'm actually surprised that the yellow variety produced three really big potatoes. I really didn't expect the potatoes to get that big. This experience has really made me want to try and grow potatoes again next year and to plant more than four little spuds. I've already started saving spuds from my purchases from the farmer's market. I hope to grow the same yellow and red potatoes that I grew this year, and I want to add fingerling potatoes to the mix. I'm already looking forward to spring.

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