Monday, December 27, 2010


Yes, the Christmas holiday just passed and 2010 is quickly coming to an end. This year, especially this year and at this time, I have been counting my blessings and wanting to say thank you.

I want to thank my family members, especially my sisters, for their love. To all my friends out there, who actually read this blog, thank you for your friendship and for your support. Lastly, to one special friend who continues to look out for me, even from my own family, thank you for your generosity and for everything you have graced upon on me. I love you all with all of my heart.


Aplysia Oceanography said...

Dang, someone's been in an EMO mood lately!

My Favorite Things said...

I am sooooo NOT EMO. Depressed, yes, that was me. However, I am NOT EMO. [Emo Elmo is Emo. :P ]