Thursday, January 13, 2011

Thank You, Friends and Family.

As a few of you may already know, I've been going through a really tough time right now. Of course, the sub-zero degree weather and the snow is not helping me stay positive in any way. Work has been keeping me very busy and has been physically demanding (e.g. lack of sleep). At the same time, two significant relationships in my life have ended, causing a huge emotional toll on me. To say the least, I'm a wreck.

I am ready for a new beginning and for a new season. I don't know when it will happen, but I will emerge stronger than before. I must also thank those who have listened to me, offered me lots of support and advice, and have given me so much of their time. I just want to say "THANK YOU." I really would not have been able to get through this really tough period of my life without you.

1 comment:

Aplysia Oceanography said...

Don't worry, you always have Thai JOJO.