Monday, December 20, 2010

What's Another Five-to-Eight Inches?

So it took me an hour to ride the bus home, but much of it was a delay caused by an irrate passenger who spat on the bus driver (although, the passenger stated that she spat on the bus transfer and not on the driver). The snow started slowly coming down in the late morning and probably won't cease for another couple of hours. It's predicted that Minnesota will get around five to eight inches of snow by midnight. After having gotten twelve to fifteen inches of snow, five to eight inches isn't too bad.

This weather is making tonight's Monday Night Football, between the Vikings and Bears, exciting. During the blizzard two weeks ago, panels of the Metrodome caved in. Tonight the game is at the U of M's TCF Stadium, the first time in about 29 years that the Vikings have played outdoors in Minnesota. Also, the field has no warming technologies implanted in the field, so the field is hard like a rock. Wowser!!!

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