Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Groundhog Saw its Shadow, Right?

There was snow, then it melted. "Spring" officially began and I actually walked outside without a winter coat. Now there's snow again, and I'm wondering when it will melt and when spring will finally be here. I find the winter here brutal, not because of to the cold, snow and windchill (or when all three meets together to create the perfect winter storm), but due to the lack of sunlight. Several gray cloudy days can be tolerable, but when it becomes the norm...well, I can get a bit impatient.

In the meantime, I've been planning my garden and contemplating where I will grow certain plants. I can’t wait for the ground to thaw out and to start planting, but it also means that I have to do an inventory of all the plants that survived winter.

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