Monday, March 31, 2008

Ahhhhhh....Another Miserable Snowy Spring!!!

Yesterday I felt like a caged dog pawing at a symbolic door, wanting to be let out and ready to jump into spring. The morning was beautiful and I ran some errands, even getting in a short walk. However, as the afternoon progressed, the sun then hid behind cloudy gray skies, and it became chilly and windy--obvious signs that spring was not ready to come out and play.

Today the snow came down in large fat wet flakes. It really felt like it ought to be Christmas. It's been forecasted that the snow will melt by the end of this week, but it sure does not feel like it. Seriously, it was cold and miserable outside (I think "miserable" will be my favorite word to describe how I feel and the weather conditions in my part of the world). I'm getting very impatient because all of this snow feels so unreasonable and unfair (yeah, yeah, just blame global warming--but it sure as heck is not warm here). So I'm feeling very miserable.

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